Jeri Landers
Artist,Storyteller &
Mistress of the Garden

Welcome to the world of Jeri Landers
If you like whimsical, nostalgic and light-hearted art, you may just enjoy yourself here. Within the pages of this site, you will find: Old World art illustration in the form of Jeri's richly illustrated storybooks, Fiber sculpted and stitched animal characters inspired by these books, traditional folk art in the form of Painted Papercutting and Scherenschnitte, and a greeting card line with a sense of humor.
Here in Hopalong Hollow, art is a lifestyle, to be expressed in a multitude of ways. As an avid cottage gardener, a "mother hen" to all creatures great and small, an olde house dweller and keeper of the past; these elements combined , inspire Jeri to create artwork which will certainly appeal to fellow "kindred spirits" . So please ,take a few moments to visit us here, in Hopalong Hollow. Be sure to visit the "Living in Hopalong Hollow" page to see our gardens home and animals.
Visit my you Tube channel here:
Jeri Landers of Hopalong Hollow
Meet The Artist.

On any given day you may find me seated on the porch where my imagination comes to life on the paper before me. From here, I can listen to the downy woodpecker tapping his name in the Mulberry tree, and observe a trio of Ganders marching along a brick walkway. Sheep and donkeys contentedly graze upon the lush, lovely green of the Tennessee hillside while peacocks strut their stuff and fat golden hens "cultivate" my gardens.
My imagination is fueled by the natural world around me and a slightly off- center sense of humor. My art is an odd combination of folk painting, illustration and realism. I am inspired by the artwork of many : Charles Wysocki, Norman Rockwell and Grandma Moses, Beatrix Potter and Ernest Aris, Jill Barclem and the marvelous illustrations of Dutch artist Anton Pieck.
Utilizing the arts of Scherenschnitte (papercutting), watercolor and most recently needle-felting, my subject matter journeys from Early Americana, to the precision of European Scherenschnitte, to a fanciful world of critters dressed in pantaloons and petticoats.
A nostalgic nature inspires me to recreate what is best about the past and to concentrate on that which is positive and lighthearted. I am not a fan of art that dazzles the eye but leaves the heart untouched. Mine is pleasant art, meant to make you smile, reminisce and smile again.